Tuesday, 8 December 2015

The maladies of rain

Its been raining cats and dogs in South India for better part of last month, and honestly there's no better word to describe it than wrathful.

Mother nature drenched us mercilessly under the superior command of the Almighty, and the respites were too far and few in between.

My hearts and hopes are with the afflicted, but what astounds me about the entire situation is the laxity of authority, the lack of preparation, and the lessons not learnt over the years.

We all know this land lies in the cyclone belt of Asia, and every year numerous cyclones visit us in quick succession and without fail. So, why are no one making efforts to better prepare for these monsoon visitors? Why do roads get clogged every year, why are homes flooded and with no effort to counter it? Why are sea shores encroached and no officer clears it (give the poor people better and safer places to dwell?)

Its high time we wake up, gear up, and put an end to these maladies before the next season of cyclones and heavy rainfall.

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